Open Mind Hypnotherapy Clinic
Group Workshops

Gastric Band Hypnotherapy - Small Group Workshop
This is a 3 session intensive workshop using a variety of hypnotherapy techniques to achieve your goals, along with Emotional Freedom Technique, which is a self help tool to stop cravings instantly.
The workshop covers a wide range of problem eating habits, we cover hypnotherapy for cravings, over eating, boredom eating, comfort eating, emotional eating, speeding up your metabolism and the popular gastric band.
Gastric band hypnotherapy is a technique used to suggest to your subconscious mind that you've had a gastric band fitted around the upper part of your stomach.
The physical procedure is thought to be a last resort. The gastric band surgery involves fitting a band around the upper part of the stomach. This therefore limits the amount of food you are able to physically eat, encouraging weight loss. It's a surgical procedure and therefore comes with potential risks and complications.
Gastric band hypnotherapy or having a ‘virtual gastric band’ fitted doesn’t require any surgery or medication whatsoever and is completely safe. It is a technique used by hypnotherapists to get your subconscious mind to believe there's been a gastric band fitted. The aim is that on an unconscious level, you will believe that you've had the physical procedure and that your stomach has reduced in size.
What is a gastric band?
A gastric band is an adjustable silicone device used in weight loss surgery. The band is placed around the upper section of the stomach to create a small pouch above the device. This restricts the amount of food that can be stored in the stomach, making it difficult to eat large amounts.
The aim of a gastric band is to restrict the amount of food a person can physically eat, causing them to feel full after eating very little to encourage weight loss. For most people who have this surgery, it is a last resort after trying other methods of weight loss. Like any surgery, fitting a gastric band comes with risks.
Gastric band hypnosis should form part of a weight management programme that addresses nutrition and exercise habits. It is the combination of changing habits in both body and mind that is often most successful for those seeking weight loss.
How will I feel after?
The overall aim of gastric band hypnosis is to encourage a healthier relationship with food. When your subconscious believes you have had a gastric band fitted, it will believe your stomach is smaller. This, in turn, makes your brain send out messages that you are full after consuming less food.
For those who overeat, recognising when you’re physically full can be difficult. Sometimes we eat purely for the taste (or comfort), ignoring whether or not we are physically hungry. Learning to recognise the physical sensations of being hungry and being full is helpful for cultivating healthy eating habits.
Unlike gastric band surgery, the virtual gastric band does not have any physical side-effects. For some, the real surgery can cause nausea, vomiting and acid reflux. As gastric band hypnosis isn’t a physical process, it won’t cause symptoms like this.
The procedure will be a pleasant and a relaxing experience for you, most clients report a feeling of calm when they come around from hypnosis.
Will it work for me?
A common question for those trying hypnotherapy for the first time is - will it work for me? Unfortunately, it isn’t a simple case of yes or no; it is largely up to you. Hypnotherapy helps people with a range of concerns but is particularly useful when it comes to changing habits. For this reason, it is often successful in helping people develop healthy eating habits and lose weight. However, just like any other weight loss system, it will require your total commitment.
You are more likely to get what you want from gastric band hypnotherapy if you believe in the process and put your trust in me. I will make you feel as comfortable as possible and we will work together to achieve your goals.
The cost of this workshop is £100, with a £25 deposit to secure your place.
Please contact me for the next available workshop date.